January 17, 2023
Innovative Flexible Liner Technology Rehabilitates Aging Pipelines
Innovative Flexible Liner Technology Rehabilitates Aging Pipelines
Innovative pipeline solutions firm Primus Line partners with Australian pipeline Infrastructure firm Interflow to revitalize worn out water and sewer pipelines across Australia and New Zealand. Some pipeline renovation projects are sometimes deemed too difficult to complete due to environmental or budget constraints, not to mention the need for the right delivery partner. Thankfully, solutions firms like Primus Line offer cost effective and environmentally friendly solutions for these kinds of projects. Primus line has created a lot of buzz recently thanks to their flexible liner reinforced with aramid fabric, a product that is both easy to install and environmentally noninvasive. It is exactly this product which is being used to rehabilitate Australia and new Zealand's most challenging pipelines. This project will continue into the next few years as both firms have agreed to a 5 year exclusivity agreement. Learn more here.
January 31, 2023
Researchers Test High Tech Ultra Sonic Pipeline Inspection Technique
Researchers Test High Tech Ultra Sonic Pipeline Inspection Technique
Researchers from the University of British Columbia are testing a new pipeline inspection technique that utilizes high tech ultrasonic sensors to monitor underground gas pipelines. These sensors would make it easier to detect weaknesses, discrepancies, or diversions in residential natural gas lines. This relatively new inspection technique is being tested on high-density polyethylene pipe (HDPE) which is commonly used to transport gas. The inspection method is non-invasive and therefore it allows for the inspection of insulated, underground, and even underwater pipelines. Apparently, this sophisticated technology is able to measure up to 100 meters of pipeline from one location. And its accuracy is estimated to be around 90 percent with one receiving sensor and almost 97 percent when two receiving sensors are used. Learn more here.