December 15, 2022
Keystone Pipeline Ruptures Once Again
Keystone Pipeline Ruptures Once Again
The keystone pipeline that runs from Canada all the way to Oklahoma has ruptured once again. This time the pipeline ruptured in Washington County, Kansas near a creek that runs through rural pasturelands. Apparently, this most recent pipeline leak is the largest onshore crude oil spill in the past decade. The pipeline was commissioned in 2010 and is currently owned by Canadian firm TC Energy. According to the company the pipeline lost about 14,000 barrels, or 588,000 gallons of crude oil. Aside from this most recent spill, reports indicate that the keystone Pipeline has ruptured a total of 22 times since it was commissioned, with all of those leaks adding up to about 12,000 barrels lost. This single recent spill tops that number by about 2000 barrels. Learn more here.
December 31, 2022
Fuel Pipe System Overhaul at Séte port in South France
Fuel Pipe System Overhaul at Séte port in South France
Séte Port in south France recently went through a major fuel network overhaul. The fuel system that runs around the port was initially built using steel piping, however, since the area is in close proximity to the sea this proved to be problematic as the humidity and sea salty conditions started oxidizing and corroding the pipe system. If the metal pipeline system was not replaced, there surely would have been a major fuel leak around the port, which would have harmed nearby marine life and civilians. Additionally, it is likely that a potential fuel spill cleanup would have been much more expensive than simply replacing the old pipe system. Since metal is easily corroded under these conditions, the administration at Séte Port decided to completely overhaul the fuel pipelines using HDPE piping which is much more resistant to corrosion than metal piping. Given that HDPE pipe is corrosion resistant it has a much longer lifespan and is much more reliable than other types of pipes. With this new pipe system Séte Port won't have to worry about fuel leaks for a while. Learn more here.